Thursday, 8 September 2011

When all hell broke lose in Karma pub

Thursday, September 08, 2011 |


Very few incidents have ignited gangland tensions in the capital like the row that broke out in the Karma Stone pub in Wexford Street in March. It resulted in a simmering feud between the 'Fat' Freddie Thompson faction and well-known criminal Gerard Eglington (24). The result was Eglington being badly assaulted in open court and then surviving a gangland hit attempt. Eglington and other 'King Ratt' gang members were present when 'Fat' Freddie Thompson's brother suffered a broken leg and his wife was stabbed in the face in the south city pub at 10.30pm on Sunday, March 13. Eglington was later arrested by gardai but later released without charge. The savage attack on Freddie's brother Ritchie (40) and his wife Catherine at the Karma Stone has still not been avenged but sources are in no doubt that the criminal responsible is a dead man walking. Two months after the assault, a viable pipe-bomb was thrown at the south inner city home of 'Fat' Freddie's mother. As tensions continued to simmer, the house was petrol-bombed last week leading Thompson to return home to defend the property from exile in the UK.


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