Thursday, 11 August 2011

Student robbed while bleeding only arrived in England a month ago

Thursday, August 11, 2011 |

The student who was beaten up in the riots and then mugged as he struggled to his feet told yesterday how his attackers – some as young as 11 – threatened to stab him.

Sickening video footage of a mob surrounding Mohammed Ashraf Haziq has been shown around the world after being posted on YouTube.

Mr Haziq, who won a scholarship to study here, relived his ordeal from his hospital bed when he was visited by a friend who filmed the chat and posted it online.

Recovering: Mr Haziq, a Malaysian first year accounting student from Barking, is seen at Royal London Hospital, where he is awaiting surgery on a broken jaw

Recovering: Mr Haziq is seen in his hospital bed at Royal London Hospital, where he is awaiting surgery on a broken jaw after the sickening attack

Ashraf Haziq, 20 outside his home in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Mohammed Ashraf Haziq, 20 and his 8 year old brother Mohammed Fatiri

Riot victim: Accountancy student Mohammed Ashraf Haziq, 20, had only arrived in Britain a month ago. Here he is pictured at home in Malaysia. Right he is sitting with his eight-year-old brother Mohammed Fatiri

Injuries: Mr Haziq still has facial swelling after the attack and can be seen missing several front teeth after having his jaw broken

Injuries: Mr Haziq still has facial swelling after the attack and can be seen missing several front teeth after having his jaw broken

‘They threatened to stab me, they told me they had knives,’ he says in the footage.

‘Some of them were quite young, maybe still in primary school. They had their hoods on and demanded my bicycle.’

In the YouTube video, the student, bloody and dazed after being punched to ground, is apparently helped to his feet by a Good Samaritan.

But the thugs then plunder his rucksack, taking his wallet, phone and Sony PSP games console.

The video was even mentioned by David Cameron yesterday.

‘When we see children as young as 13, looting and laughing, when we see the disgusting sight of an injured young man with people pretending to help him while they are robbing him, it is clear that there are things that are badly wrong in our society,’ said the Prime Minister. 

The 20-year-old finance student’s jaw was broken in the attack and he is due to have surgery at the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, East London. He also lost some of his teeth. His injuries mean he is unable to eat properly and he is being fed via a hospital drip.



At the family’s home in the affluent suburb of Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, his mother Maznah Abu Mansor, 47, said she was horrified by the attack. The mother-of-three, a school official, said she was ‘very sad and upset’ and appealed to the Malaysian government to help her to travel to London to see her son.

She said: ‘I was initially very  worried but I’m glad that he is  all right.’

Dazed and confused, blood dripping from his mouth, Ashraf Haziq is encircled by thugs after being savagely beaten to the ground during the violence in London

Dazed and confused, blood dripping from his mouth, Ashraf Haziq is encircled by thugs after being savagely beaten to the ground during the violence in London


From nowhere, an apparent Good Samaritan walks up and lends a hand to help heave the struggling and injured victim up from the pavement

From nowhere, an apparent Good Samaritan walks up and lends a hand to help heave the struggling and injured victim up from the pavement


Lowest of the low: The teenager continues to tend to the wounds on his face as thieves make off with the contents of his rucksack

Lowest of the low: The teenager continues to tend to the wounds on his face as thieves make off with the contents of his rucksack

Lawless: A robber shamelessly rifles through the teenager's bag as the young man stands bleeding from the face

Lawless: A robber shamelessly rifles through the teenager's bag as the young man stands bleeding from the face


The robber, having taken the items from the teen's bag, then casually throws them to the floor before strolling away

Discarded: The robber, having taken the items from the teenager's bag, then casually throws them to the floor before strolling away

Mr Haziq arrived in London last month to study at Kaplan College in Tower Hill, East London. He was cycling from his student accommodation in Barking with a friend when they saw a mob coming towards them. 

His friend managed to escape but said the 20-strong gang blocked Mr Haziq’s path and knocked him to the ground before taking his bicycle. 

He has told friends he passed out from the force of the blow. It was when he tried to move away that he was mugged. Bystander Abdul Hamid, 23, who filmed the YouTube footage, said: ‘I wanted to go down and help but I was terrified that I would get beaten up as well. There was about 50 or more of them.’

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